
With the IVR Ships Information System we offer shipowners the possibility to view the details of their vessel(s) in our database free of charge. In case of incorrect or incomplete details the system offers the possibility to update or change these details. Also the system makes it possible to upload a picture, specific features of your vessel(s) or a link to the website of your company as PR service.

As additional service the system provides a “safebox”  in which f.e. copies of official documents relating to the vessel or others can be administered.  Obviously this safebox is exclusively accessible for you.

Given the fact that it is of huge importance to dispose over reliable vessel details we highly appreciate your cooperation. With reliable data more information regarding the development of the fleet in different areas can be reached which enables to better support policy decisions. 

Sign Up

Signing up is easy! Please fill in the form below and click on request. Once we have received your application we will send you a username and password by email. From that moment on you can login!

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

All benefits for a barge owner lined up

  • Access to all information of your vessel or vessels and the possibility to correct or change your data.
  • Overview of all your ship certificates which helps to keep you aware of the validity of the certificates.
  • Within this system you are in your strictly confidential and personal “safe box” where f.e. copies of official documents relating to the vessel or others can be administered. Obviously this safe box is exclusively accessible for you. Any information in this safe box is not accessible neither for IVR nor for third parties.
  • With your registration you will be automatically informed by the IVR in the future regarding developments and changes in the technical regulations, tailored to your type of vessel.
  • You will not receive any misdirected mail anymore. For example, receiving an invoice for a ship you do not own is a matter of the past.
  • Some invoices are issued on the basis of length, width and load capacity. When false information is processed there is a chance that you will receive high invoices. Registration of correct data of your ship prevents you from errors in your accounts.

The objective

The data are published in various ways and are available to third parties. It is of importance for the IVR to obtain reliable and accurate ship data for, inter alia, policy-related purposes. This information forms is the basis for making decisions regarding technical regulations, such as the renewal of the emission of marine standards of ship engines.

Your data is also used for the following purposes:

1. Users of our database are mostly municipalities, Port Services and locks which use this data for the administrative handling of their ports and locks. If incorrect information is registered in our database, all communication (for example invoices) will be sent to for the former owner. Right measurements are required for the lock managers, so you can pass through a lock without any problems.

2. Data is also used for statistical purposes in order to gain a better insight into the developments of the fleets. For example, the IVR provides statistics for ‘Power of Inland Navigation’, a publication of Bureau Voorlichting Binnenvaart, EBU, Stichting Watertransport en het Nederlands Binnenvaartbureau. The IVR also provides statistics for the annual edition of “Market Observation”, a publication of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine and the European Commission.

Privacy policy

As we are committed to carefully treat the maintained details we are registered at the Dutch Dataprotection Authority “College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens” under number m1026443.

IVR is a non-profit association. Your data is not being used for commercial purposes. As a matter of appreciation we will be pleased to send you a small present after checking and updating your data.