On the 20th of October IVR organized a workshop – CLNI 2012 CONVENTION ON THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN INLAND NAVIGATION- in cooperation with the Donau Commission in Budapest convention on the limitation of liability in inland navigation 20.10.2016 14:00 – 17:00 pm. at the premises of the Danube Commission Benczur utca 25 Budapest
Program workshop CLNI 2012
The Final Act accepting the Strasbourg Convention 2012 on the Limitation of Liability in Inland Navigation (CLNI 2012) was signed on 27 September 2012. The Diplomatic Conference on the acceptance of the Convention was attended by the representatives of 13 states and various recognised international associations, including the IVR. One of the responsibilities of the IVR, the International Association for the representation of the mutual interests of the inland shipping and the insurance and for keeping the register of inland vessels in Europe, is harmonisation and unification in the field of inland navigation.
The amended Convention was adopted after several years of deliberation and extends the scope of application of the CLNI Convention then in force, which had previously been confined to the Rhine and Moselle. Moreover, in the new Convention, both the general maximum liability amounts as well as the maximum liability amounts for passenger claims have been increased and separate maximum liability amounts for claims in respect of losses arising from the carriage of dangerous goods have been introduced in a new article. The Convention will come into force once it had been ratified by 4 States and the existing Strasbourg Convention has been extinguished. Meanwhile the Convention has been ratified by Luxemburg and Serbia. Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands are finalising the ratification process, meaning that the Convention will enter into force short termed.
After the successful introduction of the Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway (CMNI) all over Europe we call upon the Danubian countries to ratify the CLNI 2012 convention in the interest of the inland navigation and insurance industry. It would be in line with your earlier ratification of the CMNI convention and contribute to further legal harmonisation and unification and certainty in that field.
The Workshop is intended to present the convention and to discuss with to the responsible representatives of the member states of the Danube Commission the ratification of the convention. To support the ratification process IVR has elaborated guidelines.
INTRODUCTION by Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General
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