Le Congrès IVR 2018 aura lieu le 17 et 18 mai 2018 à Strasbourg
Dans le cadre des festivités du 150ème anniversaire des Actes du Rhin, le Congrès IVR 2018 sera organisé sur invitation de la Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin (CCNR) du 17 au 18 mai 2018 à Strasbourg.
Le Congres IVR 2018 sera organisé à Strasbourg dans le cadre du 150ième anniversaire de la Convention de Mannheim. La Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin ouvrira les portes du célèbre Palais du Rhin aux membres de l’IVR et représentera le lieu d’organisation du Workshop IVR. L’atelier sera premièrement dédié aux sujets « Autonomous sailing » et « 150ième anniversaire de la Convention de Mannheim”.
L’enregistrement pour l’Atelier et le Congrès est disponible prochainement.
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Programme Atelier (EN)
1 juin 2017
La participation à l’atelier est ouverte aux membres IVR et non-membres
Après le succès de l’an dernier, nous avons invité à nouveau un orateur particulier dans la personne du Professeur Patrick Georges, Neurochirurgien à l’Université de Bruxelles, qui nous espérons pourra vous inspirer lors du séminaire par son discours sur « How to increase your effectiveness ».
“Can an autonomous sailboat cross the Atlantic” the BBC headed on 16 November 2017.
Autonomous sailing like driving is in the focus of today’s discussions regarding the future mobility. In inland waterway transport the discussion is just about to start what is considered as autonomous sailing and which levels could be distinguished. Where technologically all options might be open, the legal framework both regarding the technical side and the private law aspects does not support these developments so far. From this point of view many adaptations would be necessary to allow first steps into this direction. Besides other aspects like cyber security and data protection might have a major impact on the discussion regarding this topic.
Based on the actual situation the moderator and speakers in this part will focus on the various technical and legal aspects and expected developments in the coming years.
Moderation and introduction to set the scene by Gernot PAULI, Chief engineer CCNR
James FANSHAWE CBE, UK Marine Industry Alliance and Chairman Marine Atuonomous Systems Regulatory Working Group (MASRWG)
Dr. Robert VAN DEN HOVEN VAN GENDEREN LL.M.PHD, Director Center for Law and Internet, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam:
– Artificial intelligence in traffic and transport with some legal and ethical notions.
Dr. Johannes TROST, Member Legal Committee IVR, Lawyer LEBUHN & PUCHTA, Hamburg
The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) was formally constituted in 1815, based on the Treaty of Paris of 30 May 1814 which laid down the principle of the freedom of navigation on the major international rivers of Europe. In 1868 this lead to the adoption of the Mannheim Act, which will celebrate its 150th anniversary this year. The Mannheim Act of 17 October 1868 introduced the principle of the free navigation on the Rhine and the possibility for those member States of the CCNR to adopt common regulations, such as in the field of technical regulations, the transport of dangerous goods, police regulations etc. It was the birth of an “EU avant la letter” in the field of inland navigation. The entering into force of the Mannheim Act in 1868 lead to the industrial development along the river and the prosperity of the Rhine Riparian States. Since the 80ies of the last century the European Economic Community also started to work on a liberalised transport market. This lead to regulations in the field of inland navigation, which in areas such as the technical regulations were based upon the regime applying on the Rhine as elaborated by the CCNR. Lately, the European Union and CCNR started to cooperate by signing administrative agreements and in 2015, the European committee for drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation (CESNI) was set up. The purpose of this committee is in first instance to adopt technical standards in various fields, in particular as regards vessels, information technology and crew, to which the respective regulations at European and international level, including those of the European Union and the CCNR, may refer with a view to their application. In practice this will lead to one set of rules applying in all EU and CCNR states with navigable waterways and thus avoiding diverging rules in the very areas, as is the case today. We will discuss these developments with High Level Representatives of the CCNR and the European Commission as well as representatives of the industry in a panel.
Panel chaired by Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General IVR
Achim WEHRMANN, President CCNR, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Bonn
Daniela ROSCA, European Commission DG Mobility and Transport, Head of Unit Ports and Inland Navigation
Didier LEANDRI, Président Déléguée CAF and member of the French delegation in CCNR
Dr. Martin FISCHER, Chair Legal Committee IVR, Lawyer Frankfurt.
– For IVR Congress participants the Workshop is included in congress fee.
– For IVR-members and non-members not attending the congress EURO 50,– excl. VAT