Nearly one hundred participants from several European countries attended the conference. The new limitation of liability convention CLNI 2012 was i.a. discussed during the conference. In addition, the implementation of the Convention into national law was dealt with. Also, the guidelines on how to transpose the CLNI into national law, which were developed by the Legal Committee of IVR, were presented.
We proudly look back on two successful and informative days!
Dr. Martin Fischer, the chair of the Legal Committee of the IVR, handed the guidelines on how to transpose the CLNI into national law over to the representatives of the Danube Commission and the Central Commission for the Rhine. These Guidelines were developed by the Legal Committee of IVR in order to support a broad deployment of the convention as well as the Judgements CLNI/CNMI.
Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General of IVR, presented a collection of rulings on CMNI and CLNI, providing a unique comparison of jurisprudence in the various countries with a short summary of the essence of the case and a reference to the relevant articles. IVR thus aims to contribute to a uniform and autonomous interpretation of these international conventions in all concerning countries.
Comparison of case law in different countries
The original lectures are published.
Head of Division WS 25, International inland waterway transport
policy, safety and environmental protection in inland
waterway transport, recreational shipping, Federal Ministry
of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Bonn
Secretary General IVR
Director General of the Secretariat of the Danube
Commission, Budapest
Lawyer Frankfurt and chair of the Legal Committee IVR
Actual state of ratifications and presentation of IVR guidelines regarding national Implementations
Lawyer at van Dam & Kruidenier, Rotterdam
Vortrag Rechtsprechung zur CMNI
Vortrag Rechtsprechung zur CLNI
Lawyer at Lebuhn & Puchta, Hamburg
Case Law regarding CMNI and CLNI – the Interpretation of the Conventions Art. 16 CNMI
(Dis-)Advantages of arbitration in inland navigation
University Mannheim
Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in der Binnenschifffahrt Presentatie
Labourlaw aspects regarding inland waterway transport
Legal Advisor CCNR
Secretary Centraal Bureau voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart
(CBRB) Rotterdam and Chair Social Committee EBU
Changing professional qualifications: A review of practical and legal developments
Manager Bundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschifffahrt
e.V., Duisburg
Which labour law is applicable on European rivers? A few practical examples