9de Colloquium Belgrado

9th Colloquium

On Thursday the 5th September 2019, the 9th IVR Colloquium took place on the premises of hotel Moskva in Belgrade (Serbia).Topics like the international conventions on the carriage of goods, limitation of liability in inland navigation, registration of inland vessels and collisions in inland navigation, and general average were discussed by prominent speakers from various European countries.By clicking on the title of each presentation, it becomes available for download.


05-09 September 2019


Dr. Philippe Grulois, President IVR 
Dr. Veljko Kovačević, Assistant Minister of Transport of Serbia, Belgrade

Felix Zaharia, Deputy Director General for Legal Affairs  of the Secretariat of the Danube Commission, Budapest

Katrin Moosbrugger, deputy Secretary General of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine, Strasbourg

MODERATOR Dr. Peter CsoklichLawyer at Doralt, Seist, Csoklich Vienna

General introduction by the moderator CLNI 2012 and CMNI
State of ratifications and national implementations:

Dr. Peter Csoklich, lawyer at Doralt, Seist, Csoklich Vienna

Filip Milosevic, M.L.B., lawyer at Advokatska kancelarija Milosevic, Belgrade 

Case law regarding CMNI and CLNI: Autonomous interpretation of the conventions?
Presentation of the database of case law on CMNI/CLNI:

Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General IVR Comparison of case law in different countries

Vivian van der Kuil, lawyer at AKD, Rotterdam

Markus Jaegers, lawyer at NJP Grotstollen, Duisburg 

Relevance of unifcation by CMNI and CLNI for the insurance and legal practice: “Unifcation versus national deviations”

Dr. Johannes Trost, lawyer at LEBUHN & PUCHTA, Hamburg

Inventory of existing conventions in IWT, relevance and need for update? Convention on the registration of inland navigation vessels

Massimiliano Grimaldi, lawyer at Grimaldi Studio Legale, Genoa  

Collision convention in inland navigation

Dr. Olaf Hartenstein, lawyer at Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein, Hamburg  

General average: importance and national developments, ivr general average rules

Dr. Jolien Kruit, lawyer at Van Traa, Rotterdam

Dr. Zsolt Kovács, lawyer at Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori, BudapestQ&A and discussion 

Synthese and conclusions

Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General IVR   

Dinner and networking event

on board passenger vessel ‘Sirena’

Download extended summary