IVR has developed an advanced computer system for registration of the international fleet data. This program offers many possibilities concerning the publication of vessel data by different means. On base of this program specific data exchange programs via internet can be developed.
Engine Registration System (ERS) has been initiated and developed by several insurance companies and IVR. By means of a centralised registration system of engine damages, information is gathered and shared between the participants of the system.The intention of this central registration system is to be able to take preventive measures in order to reduce claim-charges. This objective will be realised by:
· obtaining an overview of engine damages
· obtaining a better judgement of engine damages
· improving the recourse position of the joined parties and their policyholders
In this unique project insurers from all countries involved can cooperate. The organisational set-up and control of the database is handled by IVR as co-ordinating organisation in which insurance, shipping industry and shipping surveyors are represented. Find more information here or visit the ERS website.
IVR has proven experience and knowledge of Integrated Management Systems in both the area of the introduction and implementation of its own quality system as well as the development and implementation of Integrated Management Systems on board of barges.Based on this experience and know-how IVR can provide advice to various institutions and organizations.
Information transfer
Within the association the expertise available is being used in the interest of its members and interested parties.
In this context seminars, workshops and colloquia are organized on a regular basis.